Whether you’re in your first home or have owned homes and been through the replacement window process before, the signs you should call a local window company aren’t always the same. Some signs, like windows that no longer open or don’t stay open, are clear indications that you need new windows. However, there are signs that aren’t so obvious.

1.      Single Pane Windows

If you still have single pane windows in your home, now is the time to call a local window company for a free estimate. Double- and triple-pane windows are significantly more energy efficient than single pane windows. However, improved energy efficiency is just one of their benefits. They also have Low-E glass which reduces fading of furniture and carpets and helps reduce the amount of heat that gets into your home from the sun.

2.      Unexplained Pests in Your Home

Are you constantly battling bugs in your home? Older windows aren’t sealed as well as new windows. That leaves enough space for small ants and flying insects to get into your home even when the windows are closed. Not only are pests annoying, but can also lead to bigger problems. New custom widows are a solution to unexplained pests in your home.

3.      You’re Replacing Other Things Throughout the Home

At about the ten-year mark in any home things start needing to be replaced. Although windows tend to perform well for 15 years or so, if you’re replacing your roof, siding, air conditioner and other things in and on your home, chances are good it’s time for a window replacement as well.

Affordable Replacement Window Systems is Your Local Window Company

Not only are we locally based in Arlington, but we’re also locally owned and operated. That means when you hire us for your window replacement, you’re supporting your community. And, because we feature windows by NT and MI Windows, both of which have manufacturing facilities in the DFW metro, you’re truly keeping it local. Call or text us today at (817) 264-6509 or fill out our contact form today.

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